Giving Tuesday: How Will You Give Back Today?

On Giving Tuesday, people around the globe will come together in unity and showing kindness and generosity in all its forms by giving their voice, time, money, goods, and advocacy to support communities and causes.

GivingTuesday is about giving of all types — some may choose to give a financial contribution to their favorite cause or a fundraising drive, others will opt to reach out to neighbors, start an advocacy campaign, donate goods or extra supplies, or just share gratitude.

If you can show generosity and share kindness, you have something to give! You can join in this global movement for unity and giving backin a variety of ways:

  • Discover a local fundraiser, community drive or coordinated event to join others in your area or with your same interests in giving back — they need your help.
  • Give to your favorite cause or a fundraiser to help those in need.
  • Share kindness with your neighbors–check on those who are alone and may need help with errands or just a friendly voice to talk to.
  • Show gratitude to healthcare workers, service providers, and other essential workers who are making sure we still have the services we rely on, even at risk to their own health.
  • Post a poster or sign of support for your community workers, neighbors and passers by to cheer them up and on.
  • Volunteer virtually! GivingTuesday’s friends at Points of Light have some ​ideas and resources​.
  • Share a quick tutorial that offers up a skill or lesson to help others discover something new or helps students add to their at-home learning.
  • Encourage others to share kindness and be generous during this time.

Whether it’s making someone smile, helping a neighbor or stranger out, showing up for an issue or people we care about, or giving some of what we have to those who need our help, every act of generosity counts, and everyone has something to give.

Visit for additional information.