Land of Sky is Seeking Foster Grandparents

Imagine feeling again the joy of a child’s laughter and love. Cuddle a newborn baby or watch a child’s face light up when you enter the room.

Adoring smiles and hugs are waiting for you in a daycare or school in your neighborhood.

At schools and local daycare, senior adults become friends and mentors with children. Connect with children by sharing experiences, supporting learning, and offering encouragement. Join with other caring people in your community to make a difference in a child life by becoming a Foster Grandparent Volunteer.

Frequently Asked Questions by Potential Volunteers

How do Foster Grandparent volunteers benefit?

You receive approximately $250 a month tax free. This money does not affect your social security, subsidized housing, Medicare, Medicaid, or food stamps. Plus, you receive paid days off and holidays. Each Foster Grandparent receives transportation reimbursement and supplemental insurance.

Do Foster Grandparents take children into their home?

No, you will never be asked to take a child home with you.

What do Foster Grandparents do with the children?

Foster Grandparents help children develop basic learning skills through games and playtime. They tutor children with reading, writing, and math. They all provide children with love and support.

Where do Foster Grandparents volunteer?

We have over 30 local elementary schools and daycare centers in Buncombe, Henderson, Transylvania, and Madison Counties.

How old are the children that I will be working with?

It is your choice. We help children from newborn to 13 years of age. Most of our Foster Grandparents work with pre-school and elementary aged children.

When would I work?

Schedules depend on the day care center or school and the times you prefer. Most Foster Grandparents work in the morning.

How do I become a Foster Grandparent?

Simply contact Land of Sky by phone at (828) 251-7448 or 1-800-727-0557 (outside of Buncombe County). Ask for Stacy Friesland, who is the Foster Grandparent Program Manager.