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The action component of UJJI, the YWCA Racial Justice Challenge, is also returning this April. The Racial Justice Challenge will begin this year on April 1 and conclude on April 29, and will focus on Bodily Autonomy, Women’s Financial Empowerment, Gun Violence, and Transportation. The YWCA Racial Justice Challenge is designed to create dedicated time and space to build more effective social justice habits, particularly those dealing with issues of race, power, privilege, and leadership. The Challenge works to foster personal reflection, encourage social responsibility, and motivate participants to identify and act on ways to dismantle racism and other forms of discrimination.
For four weeks, daily challenge activities (reading an article, listening to a podcast, reflecting on personal experience, etc.) are posted in the Challenge app and on the website, allowing participants to connect with one another, discover how racial and social injustice impact our communities, and identify ways to dismantle racism and other forms of discrimination. Each week covers one of the four featured topics related to equity and social justice.Sign up now, and don’t miss a day of the Challenge.