#Resilience is reflecting on the stories of Women’s History Month!

Mon, Apr 5, 2021
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Online w/ #Resilience
Resilience Iniatitive Asheville

#Resilience is reflecting on the stories of
Women’s History Month!

This month, we highlighted the women who have paved the way and who continue to pave the way while embodying resilience. The women we have featured are perfect examples of women who not only have had resilience in their careers and lives, but also help others build resilience through their practices and examples.

Donna Volpitta has used the characters in her Pathways to Empower program for over 10 years. Characters like the ant, grasshopper, glowworm and dragonfly have helped her teach not only her own children, but now children across the country the importance of mental health and how to have a conversation about it.

And by children, we don’t mean elementary-school aged kids. Donna serves kids of all ages: K-12 and college. She launched Pathways to Empower in January of last year, right before the COVID-19 pandemic, to provide resources to help people learn how to build resilience and foster mental health.

“We tell toddlers all the time, ‘use your words.’ The truth is they don’t have them. They don’t know how to say the things we want them to so we need to descriptive, we need to give them language to be able to handle the challenges. That’s what resilience is, right? To be able to handle the challenges.”

Listen to Donna Volpitta’s interview now!