Make a Difference in Your Community, Apply Now for the Early Childhood Committee

Thu, Jun 23, 2022
This event has already occurred.
Online w/ Buncombe County Government
Buncombe County Government

This is a great chance to be a part of shaping the future for children in Buncombe County. The Early Childhood Education and Development Fund is a major driver in assuring every child in Buncombe County has an equal opportunity to thrive during their first 2,000 days. The focus of this initiative is to increase access to quality, affordable early childhood education.

As such, Buncombe County’s Early Childhood Committee, featuring 15 total members including 3 County Commissioners, was established to guide how the fund is invested. The purpose of the committee is to engage with community partners, solicit public input, and make policy and funding recommendations to the Board of Commissioners. This committee typically meets monthly, on the first Tuesdays from 1-2:30 p.m. To learn more about the Early Childhood Fund, click here to visit our website.

There are two open positions designated as Community/At Large for a two-year term that begins July 1, 2022. To apply, click here to complete an online application. The deadline to apply is June 24.