Donate to our Community Ticket Fund Community Ticket Fund

Tue, Jul 19, 2022
This event has already occurred.
Online w/ Western North Carolina Historical Association
Western North Carolina Historical Association

As a small nonprofit, we rely on donations, memberships, and program fees to continue to preserve and promote the history of our unique region. Still, we want to make sure that anyone, regardless of income, can attend our programs.

In 2020, we began offering our “Community Funded Ticket” program. This program allows anyone to register for our in-person or virtual events at no cost and with no additional barriers. We’ve been delighted by the response to this program with many participants donating extra with their ticket purchases to ensure that our Community Fund account stays active.

As we start as new fiscal year, we hope that you will consider making a donation to our Community Fund to help continue this program through the remainder of 2022 and well into 2023.

$10 donation provides a ticket to one of our virtual events.

$25 donation provides a ticket to one of our in-person events.

$50 donation provides a family membership to a family who could not otherwise afford to be a member of WNCHA. As you know, members receive free and discounted tickets to our events for the entire year of membership.

Your support is vital! We appreciate you!