City of Hendersonville Checks and Installs Smoke Alarms in Community

A multi-agency effort recently took place in the City of Hendersonville to improve life safety by installing smoke alarms.

The City of Hendersonville Local Government, Hendersonville Fire Department, Hendersonville Police Department, American Red Cross, and the Hendersonville Housing Authority teamed up into four groups going door to door offering to check the condition of existing smoke alarms, replacing batteries and old non-functional alarms, and providing information about fire prevention.

Those going door to door included local Red Cross and Hendersonville Housing Authority volunteers, Council Member Jeff Miller, Assistant City Manager Brian Pahle, as well as personnel from the Hendersonville Fire and Police Departments. In all, 133 smoke alarms were installed and over 150 homes were visited. There was no charge for the alarms or for the installation.

The Hendersonville Fire Department wants to remind everyone to check the manufacture date of your alarms and to replace them if they are over 10 years old. Smoke alarms are some of the cheapest insurance you can buy when it comes to protecting the lives of your family members. If you wish to have your alarms checked by the fire department please call 828-697-3024.