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West Henderson High Students Take Top Honors at WCU's Computer Science Programming Contest

A student team from West Henderson High School recently won top honors as Western Carolina University sponsored its 17th annual Computer Science Programming Contest.

Forty-one students organized into 15 teams from five Western North Carolina high schools gathered for the competition. Students used the Java programming language, the language used in the advanced placement computer science curriculum. Plaques were awarded to the top three teams.

The West Henderson team of Cantley Sheppard, Christopher Jedd and Caleb Horton won first place, followed by the McDowell High School team of Robert Ross, Josh Andrews and Alex Goforth in second place, and the McDowell High School team of Christopher Folger, Brandon Ollis and Luke Starr in third place.

The West Henderson High team was sponsored by Larry Ashcraft and the McDowell High teams were sponsored by Rick Lindsey.

Students were selected by their schools to compete because of their excellence in computer programming, said Bill Kreahling, WCU assistant professor of computer science and contest co-director.

The contest was sponsored by Western's department of mathematics and computer science.

(Image provided by West Henderson High School.)

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