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North Carolina Center for Creative Retirement Offers Free Computer Literacy Classes

Registration is now open for the North Carolina Center for Creative Retirement's free Advanced Special Topics computer class. The course, which is designed for underserved adults ages 50 and older, will meet from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. on Tuesdays from February 19-April 1 at UNC Asheville's Reuter Center. Class space is limited and early registration is suggested. The application deadline is Monday, Feb. 11.

Course participants should already have a moderate knowledge of Microsoft Word, email and the Internet. The class will delve into these topics in greater depth as well as cover Power Point, Excel and other topics defined by the participants.

Funded through a grant from Smith Barney, the course is designed to reach local low-income and minority seniors. The classes will be taught by skilled UNC Asheville undergraduate students who are trained and supervised by campus experts and will provide individual support.

For more information or to apply, call the North Carolina Center for Creative Retirement at 828/251-5140 or email [email protected].

(Image provided by UNCA.)

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