Plan Some Outdoor Fun

Getting your family outdoors can be as simple as opening the door to the backyard or as exciting as going camping.

And as your children grow bigger and more capable, adventures outdoors can grow in complexity with them. The important thing is to begin when they are young – as soon as they can crawl – to let them experience the wonders of nature. The web sites below will give you ideas about outdoor family fun.

Your Guide to Fishing on National Wildlife Refuges

Find Activities, Nature Rocks

Great American Backyard Campout, National Wildlife Federation

Project Learning Tree Family Activity Guides

Earth Learning Idea

MUD IS GOOD! Ten Easy Ways to Connect Your Family to the Joy of Nature

Top 10 Apps for Taking Tech Outdoors

Studies indicate that children who play and explore outdoors are less stressed and may further benefit by learning confidence and social skills. In nature, kids and families get a chance to move at life’s natural pace, where time disappears, no one is bored, and exploration turns into fun adventure. Key to nature play is the chance for kids to explore on their own terms and with their own choices, so they can discover themselves what is interesting and fun (this builds confidence too!). Choosing to climb a tree, hanging onto a rope swing, jumping over a log, skipping stones —all of these are examples of experiences in which children learn more about themselves, their decisions, and what to do in new settings.

In nature, kids see, hear, smell and touch things all at the same time, getting them to observe, ask questions and figure out things that have a lot of parts to them. The richness in the outdoors is far more stimulating—and gets the mind working more—than only watching television or playing electronic games. There is a place for that stuff but they are no substitute for what experience in nature brings to kids’ development. In fact, children who play and learn on a regular basis in the outdoors take these enhanced skills with them to school—and tend to have higher school achievement and test scores too!

With nature games, family activities, or camping, everyone can participate – letting go of the stresses of the day – relaxing and having some creative time to just be. And that time offers the kids a real chance to really benefit from a parents advice, knowledge and support in a way many other activities don’t offer. This is that special time to share, explore, build memories – and through that build real family togetherness. Research indicates that children feel respected and cared for when adults they respect spend time with them outdoors. Kids, in turn, learn how to behave with the family and adults. They also tend to talk and communicate more, engage in conversation. Beyond family, a sense of connection to community and place is nourished. Everyone benefits—from individuals, to families, to whole communities.

For more information about why getting into nature is good for everyone visit Nature Rocks.